2005年度第8回 物性セミナー

Topological Aspects of the Spin Hall Effect

講師 Prof. Yong-Shi Wu
  (Department of Physics, University of Utah (USA) and
  Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo )
日時 2005年 7月 12日(火) 午後2時00分$\sim$(注意!時間変更)
場所 3号館 108

The study of spin transport properties of electrons in solid-state systems has recently attracted much attention from both experimentalists and theorists. The spin Hall effect refers to the phenomenon that an electric field induces a spin current in a transverse direction. In the present talk I report on recent progress in theoretical understanding of topological aspects of the spin Hall effect. In particular, in a recent collaborative work, we point out that though the spin current is more complicated than the charge current, the spin Hall conductance in certain two-dimensional tight binding models can take only quantized values, due to nontrivial topology in momentum space, simlar to the charge Hall conductance. Both analysis of the bulk state and that of edge states verify this topological quantization of the spin Hall conductance.

○物性セミナーのページ http://phys.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ mino/seminar.html

○ 駒場セミナーカレンダー(駒場内のみアクセス可)

連絡先: 加藤雄介 (46534)
福島孝治 (46513)

Koji Hukushima 平成17年7月4日