2005年度冬学期 第2回 物性セミナー

``Integrable quantum gases:
from theory to experiment''

講師 Prof. Murray Batchelor (Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, ANU)
日時 2005年10月28日(金) 午後4時30分$\sim$
場所 16号館 827

The study of ultracold Bose and Fermi gases is without doubt one of the most active fields in physics at the moment. A recent article described it as the revolution that has not stopped since the first Bose-Einstein condensate was made 10 years ago. A point of great excitement from the perspective of integrable models is the experimental realization of ultracold quantum gases in 1D, where quantum effects are most pronounced. Suddenly a number of integrable 1D models solved over 30 years ago by means of the Bethe Ansatz find themselves in the spotlight. I will discuss recent work on some of these exactly solved models, including the interacting Bose gas, the interacting Fermi Gas and an interacting Bose-Fermi mixture. These models reveal a number of subtle quantum effects which are potentially observable in experiments.

10/28 Prof. Batchelor(Australia National Univ.)
  ''Integrable quantum gases: from theory to experiment''
11/4 江藤 幹雄 氏(慶応大理工)
11/15 大橋 洋士氏(筑波大物理)
11/25 湯川 諭 氏(東大物工) 「火山の話(仮題)」
12/2 高野光則 氏(早稲田大理工) 「分子モーターの話(MD計算)」
12/16 藤井宏次 氏(駒場原子核グループ) 「Condensed Matter Physics at RHIC? (仮題)」

○物性セミナーのページ http://phys.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/mino/seminar.html


連絡先: 加藤雄介 (46534)
福島孝治 (46513)

Koji Hukushima 平成17年10月19日